Role of Education for Elevating Emotional Intelligence (Why What and How?)

Article Details

Article Title :
Role of Education for Elevating Emotional Intelligence (Why What and How?)

Author Name :
Diptansu Bhusan Pati and Minati Mohanty

Keyword :
Emotional intelligence, emotional skill, emotional quotient, Stakeholders of education

Publisher :
Politic India Publication

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Abstract :
Emotional intelligence (EI) is an innovation in Educational psychology and bears immense significance for the academic achievement, personal development and overall development of an individual. Man is an emotional being and his thinking is shaped by the good and bad experiences facing in day-to-day life. In course of time, some people are observed as extremely emotional while some fail to reciprocate the feelings of others. As such emotionally weak individuals fail to manage their thoughts and find difficulties in taking negative feedback and becoming upset at the slightest provocations. On the contrary, some people are not deeply emotional but considerate while dealing with people. Such people have a good emotional quotient which is growing with passing time. Hence, Emotional intelligence (EI) indicates the proper understanding and use of emotions to be more effective professionals and better communicators. This paper provides an overview of the significance of emotional intelligence by depicting the concept of emotional intelligence vividly from different perspectives and highlights the various research studies related to emotional intelligence, emotional skills and emotional quotients to have a crystal understanding of the concept. It also attempts to describe the role of teachers and other Stakeholders in elevating Emotional intelligence not only for empowering Students but also for enhancing teacher effectiveness and developing the nation as well.

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